US Legal Forms is a documents platform that you can use to create and download legal documents. It was founded in 1997. The headquarters are located in Jackson, MS. The website has been used by over 3 million people. The company is accredited with the Better Business Bureau and has an A+ rating. The website is secured with VeriSign and Norton Security. It has been top-rated by TopTenReviews as one of the BEST legal forms company in the U.S in categories like Forms, Features, Customer Service, and Ease of Use.
You can get Real Estate forms like home sales package, deeds, contracts, easements, closing forms, Lady Bird deeds, mortgage documents, lien paperwork, contractor agreements and more. Estate Planning documents are available and form types include mutual wills, last will and testament, living will, personal planning pack, living trust, probate, small estates, a codicil to will, revocation, and more. If you need Family Law paperwork, the website has divorce, separation, premarital agreements, name change, adoption, guardian, paternity, visitation, and child support documents. If you own a business, you will need certain business forms. Available forms include LLC formation, incorporation, employment agreements, letter of intent, stock certificates, confidentiality agreements, contracts DBA registration, and more. Landlord Tenant forms are on U.S. Legal Forms, and these include residential lease package, supplemental lease forms, lease terminations, residential rental agreements, commercial leases, apartment leases, and more. The website also has Power of Attorney and Affidavit forms available.
A subscription is not required for you to use the website. Pricing varies by type of document. There are subscription plans available for Personal and Business. With a Personal plan, you will have access to over 2000 forms and you can download, edit, or print then anytime and anywhere. With a Business plan, you will get the same benefits as the Personal plan, you will also gain access to complex legal issue forms and professional letters. The Personal plan is $19.95 per month, and the Business plan is $29.95 per month. All products come with a money-back guarantee.
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Call 1-877-389-0141
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